Featured Projects
& Design, Inc.
16000 Loch Katrine Trail #8006, Delray Beach FL 33446
Phone (954) 605-1062 - Email berrie@berriedesign.com
Established in 1991
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Country Inn Pet Resort, Davie Florida
(Phase IV Kennel Adddition)
Site plan and Special Exception approved is the (lower right) Phase IV kennel addition to the Country Inn Pet Resort located at 2100 South Flamingo Road in Davie, Florida.  While the original kennel and vetinary hospital (left side with two octagon kennels) were constructed in 2006, we added a Phase II addition (middle of bottom leg) with 52 new kennels in 2009.  We provided repeat services for the added Phase III addition (top right)  with 39 kennels in 2016.  And again for the latest Phase IV addition (bottom right) which is proceeding to the building department for permit and construction.
OVERALL SITE PLAN - Phase IV is bottom right addition.
All the new phases have indoor play areas with a sunny sky lighting fixtures above.  Fronting on the playground are VIP  kennel suites in a key west design.
Country Inn Pet Resort, Davie Florida
(Phase IV Kennel Adddition)
FYI – we also did Wunderlust Dogs. 
This is a 12,358 sq. ft. interior alteration of an industrial building for a doggy hotel located at 355 N Congress Avenue in Delray Beach, Florida!
Featured Projects
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